There are pigs, and then there’s our pigs – the happiest pigs in the UK, if not the world.  Well, so they tell us.  Not to say our pigs actually speak, but in their own way they’ve made it clear to us that they love all the attention we give them.  Not to mention the healthy fruit and vegetables they happily devour.  And the toys they play with.  And the hugs.

Happy eaters!

One of our super Saddleback mums

One of our super smiley Saddleback mums

Yep, pigs love a good hug, though you need a pretty big pair of arms when they’re fully grown, which is why Bob is the ideal Pig Ranger.  Standing at least 9ft tall (OK, maybe closer to 6ft 4″) Bob is the man behind Ranger Pigs and his commitment to building the UK’s happiest hobby pig farm is apparent by the premium quality of Ranger Pig’s meat packs, typically selling out weeks before each release.

Bob, the Pig Ranger

Bob, the Pig Ranger

So if you want to try some of the UK’s best meat packs, made from the UK’s happiest pigs then pre-order your meat pack now as they’ll be gone faster than the crate of strawberries Bob feeds the pigs at Christmas – that’s fast.  Really fast!

This friendly Tamworth mum just loves the attention

This friendly Tamworth mum just loves the attention

And drop Bob a line to say hello, and ask anything you want to know about his happy pigs.


“I’ve not been this happy since Bob installed the mud spa”

5 Responses to “ABOUT US”

  1. rona moss October 20, 2012 at 6:09 am #

    HI Guys noticed your comments about toys I have a castrated male pig very large and I need toy ideas for him and cant find much – hopeing you can give me some ideas please.

  2. Stephen G Astley July 5, 2013 at 10:44 am #

    Hello Bob, Nice to see you are still breeding pigs. I remember that PIGS ARE LIKE CARS?

    Drop me a line sometime and lets have a chat.


    Steve Astley

  3. Peter July 7, 2017 at 2:43 am #

    Hi Bob I like what you have there tell me more about your pigs. How long it take to reach market an how you feed range pigs

  4. Kingy Bossman Sutherland June 15, 2018 at 4:53 pm #

    Hi im a film director Suvy-Suvy Media,im looking for a small farm with pigs to do a short horror film call PIG,here is my group page for the film PIG.

  5. Lucy Cawley November 3, 2018 at 7:55 am #

    Hi Bob 🙂 I have been past your pigs alot as I live in the village. They are so happy and beautiful. Please, if you could let me know, I would love a piece for a ham for Christmas or a Christmas meat package?
    Wondering if they will go with my chutneys and sauce I make? (The Village Preserve Company).
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Lucy Cawley 🙂

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